Be Holy Podcast

Forgive your parents and people...get closer to God.

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Friday Nov 27, 2020

Since GOD's children belong to Him...they are protected from everything...simply because His children belong to Him. Easy to because one of his children...ask.

Friday Nov 27, 2020

Long before people commit physical adultery...they've committed adultery in their minds looooooooog before they actually did the act. Sin starts in our minds first.

Friday Nov 27, 2020

If we don't live better than teachers who "only teach" you about GOD...(but they don't live right) we won't enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. We have to live right...and nobody has to tell us what we need to change about ourselves.

Friday Nov 27, 2020

Don't try to sift through the bible and "obey" everything written in the bible/book...Sure, read the bible...ask GOD for #Understanding of HIM...not understanding of the bible.

Get happy and stay there!

Friday Nov 27, 2020

Friday Nov 27, 2020

If anybody negatively talks about you...get happy. God blesses you when people lie about you..keep it moving.

Jesus...turn my light on

Friday Nov 27, 2020

Friday Nov 27, 2020

The light in us is GOD Himself...and if HE is "in" us we shed light in every and to our everyday situations. You are the salt of the change everything.

Wednesday Nov 25, 2020

In this "spiritual walk"...there are rules to walking. They at times might seem unfair and "over the top" within the grand-scheme of everyday living...but those rules are fair simply because #GOD made and proclaimed those rules. GOD knows exactly what we as mere people can handle and what we can't handle...and we trust HIM to have our best interests in mind.
HE is fair to those who believe HIM and fair to those who do not believe HIM.

Thursday Nov 19, 2020

This episode simply gives the hidden knowledge of GOD concerning your enemies, your plans being successful and how pride can dismantle be careful.

Thursday Nov 12, 2020

In a world that only understands money, wealth and's best that we put our ear towards heaven for simple instruction and warnings that we might use the wealth that God permits everyone of us to experience. Keep your money...but don't others if you desire...but don't love money. (it'll ruin us...the "love of money" will ruin us...not money, the "love" of money.)

Character in People

Thursday Nov 05, 2020

Thursday Nov 05, 2020

In a world where good versus bad...Character is a great way the get to know people and how they think. If you kinda know the differences between good and #notSoGood character traits, you'll be more apt to seeing people for who they are. (without trying to change them)
You simple see, meet, talk to them and thereby make a decision about whether you can be friends with them...marry with them...etc. In this episode we simply read through Proverbs 18:23-19:6. Hope that you enjoy it...don't forget to "share share and share alike!"



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